Press Release /TV
#1 "How to get an A+ at Seoul National University"
#2 "How to get an A+ at University of Michigan"
#3 "Korea is really good at PISA?"
KBS The Insight (명견만리)
#1 "Who gets an A+ at Seoul National University?"
#2 "TV is an idiot box? What about a lecture?"
#3 "The effect of education: The remains after you forget all that you memorized
#4 "Teacher's role to encourage critical and creative thinking"
#1 "Education in Alpha-Go Era"
#2 "Creative Education in Alpha-Go Era
#1 "Read the Trend of College Entrance No.1"
#2 "Read the Trend of College Entrance No.2"
#3 "The Right Way for History Education"
KBS Documentary "The Evolution of Schools"
EBS TV Debate "Future Korean Education"
EBS TV Debate "Paradigm of future education"
EBS TV Debate "Future university education"
EBS TV Debate "Teacher training system"
EBS TV Debate "Presidential Election Pledges: Possible?"
EBS TV Debate "Presidential Election Pledges on Education"
EBS TV Debate "Presidential Election Pledges on Jobs"
EBS TV Debate "Presidential Election Pledges on Childcare/Welfare"
EBS News - A Special Report Series of Losing Creative Competence
#1 "Word-by-word note-taking for an A+"
#2 "SNU Top Students: Receptive Than Creative"
#3 "Classes without Communication"
#4 "A+ students at University of Michigan"
#5 "70% of College Students Forget All Learning after Exams"
#6 "The Reasons Behind the Unchanged College Teaching"
#7 "Sloppy Government Policies for College Teaching Excellence"
#8 "Instruction for Creativity?"
#9 "Learner-Centered Instruction
Press Release /Radio
KBS Radio "Kim, Hong-Sung's Live Info Show"(46:00~77:50)
Press Release /Newspaper
Press Release /Magazine
Press Release /Interview
Chosun Ilbo (최보식이 만난 사람)
Press Release /Articles(HJ Lee authored)
Elite Education & Selection System Should be Changed to Save This Country
Difficulties of Education Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era
Presidential Election Pledges on Education have NO EDUCATION
Presidential Candidates Do Not Give Up Multiple Choice Tests
#5. Korean Education VS American Education: Who is More Honest?
#8. Great Jewish Education? Then Why Is Israel So Poor in PISA?
#10. Asian Paradox: 1) Why Do Asian Students Show Higher Score with Poor Learning Skills?
#11. Asian Paradox: 2) Differences of Critical Thinking Way between the East and the West
#12. Korean Education: Is It Changeable?